Its gone!

Well, Chris had his thyroidectomy this morning to remove the cancer. The procedure typically takes around 3-6 hours with the patient staying for observations overnight. Chris’s surgery lasted an hour and a half, and he was home six hours later! The incision is drastically smaller than anticipated and other than a sore throat he is feeling alright. The amount of inbound prayers we have been receiving from strangers (y’all), friends, some family, and our church, has been so uplifting and God was definitely listening! Chris and I both feel as if a boulder of stress and sadness has been lifted off of our shoulders.

Now we face recovery and the quest to find the right medication balance. Chris’s medical journey has been such a roller coaster that has led him to multiple diagnoses such as: Fibromyalgia, Low T, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Hypoglycemia, and so on. It has also shown us the sad truth about the medical field, and that is that profit overshadows patient needs a large portion of the time. In the end Chris was the one to find the nodule and it was almost too late. Lessons learned I suppose! We still have faith in the ability to cure it naturally, but we just did not have the time or financial resources to achieve that.

….Geez! Speaking of finances……I’ll discuss that another time      T_T (That is me crying the letter T tears. Yea, it’s that serious!)

I’ll update when possible, but until then…

Thank you to those who sent prayers, You helped!
